5. Please attach a detailed budget for your project, event or activity including both
income and expenditure.
What level of funding are your requesting from the Community Pride and Vibrancy Fund?
7. Tell us about any other funding you have applied for or received for this project,
event or activity.
Type of Funding (eg Grant):
Amount applied for or received:
I/We hereby declare that the information supplied in all sections of this application are true
and correct to the best of my/our knowledge.
I/We have the authority to commit our organisation/group (if applicable) to this application
to the Central Hawke’s Bay District Council Community Pride and Vibrancy fund.
All reasonable information has been provided to support our application
I/We will forward a report on the success of the project to Central Hawke’s Bay District Council
no later than 2 months after completion of the project, event or activity.
We will provide Central Hawke’s Bay District Council with imagery and updates from our
activities for social media/marketing promotion.
We understand that Central Hawke’s Bay District Council:
Is bound by the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987
I/We consent to it recording the personal contact details provided in this application,
retaining and using these details.
I/We understand that our name and brief details about the project, event or activity may
be released to the media or appear in Council documentation.
I/We undertake that we have obtained the consent of all people involved to provide these
details. We understand that we have the right to have access to this information
This consent is given in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993.